For the last 2 years Nick and I have "shared" an apartment together. I put the quotes on shared because really he lives with his lover, and I have had our apartment to myself until recently. The 2 of us of grown immensely... well maybe more me than him... and not in a physical way. I'm not making sense....um we've matured. Moving on, I'm now on Seriously Bent with him, and actually have more than 1 friend, which is great, because him and I sort of drifted apart. However, there will always be a bond between the two of us that's different from any of my other friends here.
For example, he was the first person that I told I was gay. I had only know him a few months, and I have friends that I've known, basically my entire life, and I shared with him this major detail of my life, that really no one knew. He was the first friend I have ever had that I felt I could confide in, and be completely honest with, without fear of judgment. Of course, over the years he's become more of a d-bag, but...we had one good year!
This is Nick molesting his own girlfriend:

I also love him for his grandparents. Their names are Ed and Jean. They are SPECTACULAR. I have never met such warm, inviting, caring, loving, and funny people. They make me feel as if I'm family, and I actually do think of them as family. We went to dinner at Bricco one night, and it was very expensive, but none of us liked the food. Anyway, while looking at the menu I noticed some steak dish that was $85, so I said, $85? Does a hooker come with that? Ed laughed SO hard, I mean he has an enormous laugh to begin with, but he cracked up, and when Gramma Jean returned to the table she said she could hear him all the way in the back of the restaurant. Ugh, I adore them.
Why am I talking so much about Nick? Well, he turned 21 the other day, FINALLY, and the occasion brought back all the memories that I have with him. Going to the Cape in the winter and trying to smoke cigars on the beach after seeing the Nutcracker with his grandparents... SO GAY. Going to my first show at Improv Asylum. Having Christina brought into my life. Going to my first college party at Julia's and then leaving because a bloody fight broke out, but it was fine, because we had Dan as a body guard. Smoking for the first time!
So many firsts with Nick. He's also the best kiss I've ever had... what? I'm just saying. After the year that I have had with losing a dear friend from home, I have learned to cherish the friends I am closest with, so through all the pompasity that is Nick Wilson, he is, and will always remain, one of my closest friends.
Happy birthday Nick.

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