Tuesday night I organized a going away party for my 2 friends/colleagues, Bobby and Jodie. The venue, The Beehive. Such a great place, such great short rib grilled cheeses, and such odd absinthe cocktails! That's right, I said absinthe, relax I didn't hallucinate, however, it did give me one of the biggest buzzes I've ever had despite it's hideous flavor of black licorice. It was SUCH a successful evening, as practically EVERYONE from the box office showed up, both new and old. When Kathleen arrived, she was waiting in line outside, so I ran out and waved her in, and the bouncer stopped us and allowed two people in before us. He then asked me, rather sarcastically, if I was a manager or owner of the place since I kept letting people in. Look, just because you're black and the width of 2 of me, doesn't mean you can be a jerk to me! Alright, I was a little frightened, but even more so embarrassed. Anyway, we got her in, and by the time EVERYONE showed up, there wasn't enough chairs. So we cramped together, Kat-rina and I were engaged for the evening which involved her sitting with her arm around me. Then people started to trickle out and more room became available.
I love love love going out with these people. Particularly the group that was in attendance. They're very fun people, and how great is it to drink with people that hold hiring/firing power over you?! I was just really glad to give Jodie and Bobby a send off that they deserve. I will miss them tremendously, and with their departure, I am now one of the senior box officers. That of course doesn't mean anything other than I look INCREDIBLY stupid if I make a mistake, so I guess no more drinking on the job! Kidding. Am I? Yes?
At 12:35 Derrick and I decided it would be wise to try to catch the train back to Haymarket. Now, for anyone that is not familiar with the local subway system here, trains stop running at about 12:35. So we got to the station, and of course the last train had already come and gone. Now I have to also explain that this isn't as grand of a dilemma for me, as it was Derrick. Derrick does not live IN the city, as I do, so he couldn't walk home, as I did. So I said, Hey Derrick, let's walk to Haymarket and just see what happens. And he said, "Ok Nick". So we walked past Copley, down Newbury, through the Public Gardens, through a natural tree archway which both Derrick and I decided to have our weddings under, up through Beacon Hill, and finally down towards the North End. It was at this point that Derrick made the decision to crash at my place since he had no way of getting back to his ferret in Everett. RHYMES! This is Derrick and his ferret:

Before we got to my place we had to pick up some diet gingerale for Jeremy who was apparently incapable of walking around the corner to the 7-11 by himself. We got to my place, Derrick was awestruck by the cuteness of my neighborhood, and my apartment, and Jeremy continued to judge my cluttered lifestyle. Meanwhile he was drinking Pimms and gingerale by himself, so how dare he judge my life decisions?! Derrick then curled up into a fetus position in order to fit on my tiny iKia couch, and drifted off to dream of cake, video games, iPhone applications, and pet rodents.
Good night Derrick! I'll return your belt to you eventually!
Excellent post. My favorite part is how it seems to imply we shall be getting married to each other under the tree in the public garden.
Just so everyone is clear, I did not drunkenly propose to Nick in the Public Garden, as romantic as that may have been.
P.S. A Ferret is not a rodent, this is a common misconception. They are of the Mustelidae family:
cousins of weasels, skunks and otters. (Other relatives include minks, ermines, stoats, badgers, black-footed ferrets, polecats, and fishers.) They are NOT rodents; taxonomically they're in between cats and dogs, a little closer to dogs.
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