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So just to start, I want to let everyone know how disturbed I was to see this image on the screen when I logged into my blog. Baby 1 is drunk, baby 2 is getting a prostate exam, and baby 3 is from Rt, 1 Saugus (fake orange tan). I didn't even want to read the reason for this picture, it freaked me out so much. I mean, could they have found newborns in any creepier positions than these?!
Ok, we'll begin the new entry... NOW
Sunday night, after saying "Bye Bye Justin!" I went to a game night hosted by an HTC co-worker. His apartment was lovely, and his friends were amusing and easy to get along with. It was nice to meet new people. We played a new version of the game Cranium, which I LOVE. I was first introduced to the game by Jared when we played at El, Al, and Anne's. This new version allows you to choose the medium in which you give clues to your teammates. I brought cupcakes from Lulu's to Gayme night, and they were a hit. Josh was particularly intrigued by the red velvet cupcakes. When he asked me what the flavor was, all I could say was... they just tasted like red, and Heaven. Derrick has a ferret named Lola, and she loved my plastic bags. I would have been more fond of her if she didn't have an unpleasant odor.
After Cranium we played a questions game, where we each wrote 3 questions that could have many answers, and placed them in a cup. Then each person picks a random question, we all write down our answer, and the answers are read aloud, and the person that asked the question has to guess which answer goes with which person. Confused? So was I, but I figured it out rather quickly... I mean... I go to Suffolk! One of the questions was "What is the title of your favorite porno film"? I answered "Titanic Wang", but apparently my 'A' looked like an 'O' so Noah read it as Titanic Wong, which just isn't funny. Thanks Noah, thanks for killing my porn pun! Honestly, I didn't know names of porn films, because I generally don't pay attention to the titles!
It was good for me to go out to Everett since I'm going to live there next year.
Oh hey Patty, I'm moving in with you!!!
P.S. Thanks for Gayme Night Derrick! I like word play puns!
P.P.S. ...nothing
Your welcome.
And congrats on an excellent imitation of a detective investigative dog who solves mysteries and rides in a bus with his friends, and also on occasion gets scared and jumps in people's arms as well as pulls the masks off supernatural things to reveal their true identity was nothing more than Old Mister Whipples.
What the hell were you trying to be anyway??
oh um... I was going for Scooby Doo? Greatest character in all American literature.
Never heard of 'em
You failed to mention that I won (read: You lost) at game night. Way to ruin a perfectly good post by leaving out important info.
Also, thank you for the cupcakes. Even though it hurt to eat they were so amazing it made up for my sore jaw.
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