Today I walked into work, and my boss Penny stopped me and told me that she began a blog! I have a link to it if you're interested, and you should be, she's a ray of lemon drops, it's the Penny + Penny blog. She told me that I inspired her to start blogging. Now I don't want this to sound pretentious or arrogant, because I'm not like, hell yeah, I'm an inspiration to do things. Her words just really made me proud, because now I feel like I've helped to spark more creativity and writing and thinking!
This chain blog reaction began with Stefanie, you remember Stefanie right? She's my 23 year old co-worker that I made cry because she's getting braces and I'm a dink? Remember? SHE started blogging about her adventures with getting braces as a grown up. Even though that blog came out of tears which I inflicted, it nonetheless was formed, and is now helping others in a similar metallic situation.
Next came Derrick. Derrick is also one of my bosses. You remember Derrick, right? He's the one with a ferret and we walked to my place drunk, through the Gardens, and he crashed on my tiny couch? Remember him? Well he started TWO blogs! Count em! TWO! We were talking about blogs, and my blog, and he said he had ideas for blogs, and I said, BLOG, so he did! Even though that blog was started from my command, it nonetheless was formed, and he now, voluntarily, creates new posts. I particularly enjoy the randomness of Derrick's first blog. It's not so much about him and his life. The other blog is equally clever. He reviews things, but only gives positive feedback, even if he dislikes something. He finds at least ONE thing positive, and blogs it.
THEN came Derrick's friend Josh. Josh ALSO began 2 blogs after Derrick started his blogs! SO, ipso facto(?)... these blogs would NEVER have been created had I not made Derrick begin his blogs.
And finally there's Penny's brandy new blog. I have no idea how it's going to go. Seems like she's going to do a lot of venting through her writing in an attempt to cleanse her soul? So how nice is that?!
Look at all of the writing that I helped to inspire! 6 blogs!
(... and of course indirectly this all spawned from Patty and Sex And The City...)
But YAY me!