ACTUALLY, I have had 2 very pleasant and endearing experiences with Reeve. The first took place last summer when Reeve and I were stuck in the tiny basement phone room of the BU Theatre. The very same tiny basement phone room that Bobby Kennedy almost had a nervous breakdown. Anygay (a Reeveism) this day was the day that Reeve just suddenly decided to try to quit smoking. So close quarters + lack of nicotine = weird animal noises? Yes, Reeve proceeded to squawk and squeal and frighten me all day. He kept telling me buy him cigarettes and I refused, because I am a humanitarian, and I wanted to support his 1 day attempt at health.
My next sweet moment with Reeve was in New York City, the Big Apple, the Center of the Universe, the...City That Never Sleeps...I knew I could think of one more. So Reeve just HAPPENED to be there the same weekend that Patty and I were there. So we met up one night for drinks at a posh gay bar called Therapy, and Reeve was already d-r-u-n-k, so Patty and I just talked to Austin. When we left, Reeve decided to take his gin & tonic with him. The next day we met them for a little brunch at a quaint diner style restaurant, where they were both dressed very nicely. Austin, because he had to work, and Reeve, well because Reeve enjoys appearing to be better than everyone. Oh and he's gay. In fact, if Reeve lived on any street in NYC city, he'd live on this one:

Did I mention he was gay?
Alright, I will put a face shot up of him, but DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, LOOK INTO HIS LITTLE GAY EYES!
Ok here it is:

wow...good one
you asked for it
So much for being nice to Reeve... don't forget to be on time tomorrow!
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