Alright so I don't have pictures of Bobby doing all of these things. Regardless, this is Bobby. I work with Bobby. Yesterday, at the end of the work day, Bobby said something about shock and hate if he ever saw that I blogged about him. So, naturally, I am. Bobby is a writer. Although I've never read anything he's written, or seen him act, or seen anyone perform his words, I am sure that he is talented. At least he looks like a writer. Bobby graduated from BU this May. He is originally from Chicago, and he is currently there visiting family and getting interviewed for some Chicago jobs. Apparently he doesn't plan to make box officing his life's work. Bobby lives close by to one of my favorite young women, named Kathleen. Kathleen used to work with me, but she left. She's a rock star.
Enough about Kathleen, this is the Bobby Blog. Probably single most interesting thing about Bobby is his name. He's named after a famous politician that was assassinated. Give up?!?!?!... Bobby Kennedy!
What else about Bobby? Oh, his girlfriend loves to fondle his hair. He has a tan over coat for the winter and I referred to it as an Anne Taylor Loft coat... for that I apologize. When we work at 264 he gets angry at the patrons and refers to them with expletives after hanging up his phone. Then he showed me a video of a guy in an office that flipped out and starting breaking things and threw a computer monitor AT a woman and this frightened me because I thought that maybe he would flip in this tiny little room that we work in and I would have no where to run from his wrath.
But I don't think Bobby would do that. Bobby's a good, quiet, funny, judgey, skinny, play-writing man-boy.

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