So with Seriously Bent a thing of the past, I've been racking my mind grapes trying to figure out what I want to do to continue in the world of chuckles. Patty's last blog entry was sort of inspiring and made me realize that I need to stop sitting around, and I need to get out there and do more shows, but HOW?!
Well, I did stand up once... and I really enjoyed it... particularly since it kind of went surprisingly well. So I hope to do that thing. THEN I am currently in pre-production on a retro-scripted web series with Dick Wilson and Goose-staff Cadet. Goose is our producer and director, and Nick and I will be the big stars, the head honchos, the chiefs of... of our manhoods. Anyway, that's cooking in the pot with some potatoes, safron, and a little cumin... Ok A LOT of cumin.
In the long run I hope to audition again for the NXT cast of Improv Asylum because I miss having regular shows and it's always been a dream/goal of mine since I first saw those monkeys on stage 4 years ago. Good times! Plus, as I left Evan's going away party, he told me to audition again and that I was really good, and even though he already had a couple fruit punch drinks in him, I took that to heart because I look up to him as we're in the same generation of fresh faced Boston make em uppers... that and he's as tall as a giraffe...

So those are my goals/plans/current goings on. I know I do a lot of talkin' and not a lot of DOIN', but hopefully if I continue to write things down, I'll eventually quit doddling and diddling and I'll just get to action.
Stay tuned!
Stay tuned!
Nick, I hope everything pans out with you show with Goose. I'll be sure to check it out when it hits the tubes.
Also you should definitely audition again for the Improv. You are ridiculously funny.
i need at least one follower...please?
Hey great blog man! All the best with IA. Keep the posts coming. - Jason
Thanks so much so Clarence and Jason! Always nice to hear from you both.
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