So with Seriously Bent a thing of the past, I've been racking my mind grapes trying to figure out what I want to do to continue in the world of chuckles. Patty's last blog entry was sort of inspiring and made me realize that I need to stop sitting around, and I need to get out there and do more shows, but HOW?!
Well, I did stand up once... and I really enjoyed it... particularly since it kind of went surprisingly well. So I hope to do that thing. THEN I am currently in pre-production on a retro-scripted web series with Dick Wilson and Goose-staff Cadet. Goose is our producer and director, and Nick and I will be the big stars, the head honchos, the chiefs of... of our manhoods. Anyway, that's cooking in the pot with some potatoes, safron, and a little cumin... Ok A LOT of cumin.
In the long run I hope to audition again for the NXT cast of Improv Asylum because I miss having regular shows and it's always been a dream/goal of mine since I first saw those monkeys on stage 4 years ago. Good times! Plus, as I left Evan's going away party, he told me to audition again and that I was really good, and even though he already had a couple fruit punch drinks in him, I took that to heart because I look up to him as we're in the same generation of fresh faced Boston make em uppers... that and he's as tall as a giraffe...

So those are my goals/plans/current goings on. I know I do a lot of talkin' and not a lot of DOIN', but hopefully if I continue to write things down, I'll eventually quit doddling and diddling and I'll just get to action.
Stay tuned!
Stay tuned!