Please enjoy, as over the next few days, I shall share with all 4 of you, some of my favorite moments from some of the greatest comedians.
We begin with an Englishman in a dress, or frock as the English say, EDDiE iZZARD. I saw EDDiE at Radio City Music Hall this past summer, and he's hung up his transvestite-ism, at least on stage. For the most part though, he was a subtle transvestite, like he wouldn't literally wear a dress, but heals and make up, and, well, you'll see. I'll post a good amount of EDDiE since he is my favorite, and I have nothing of great importance to say personally right now, so I'll let others speak with great comedy!... maybe I should try LSD? Nah.
This is from his HBO special Dress To Kill, and it took place in San Francisco.
1 comment:
i see nothing about the Academy Awards on here and that shames me...especially with all the Hoopla about MILK...
i meant that in a none mean way? MISS YOU
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