Like every good American, I celebrated yesterday's Presidential Inauguration by eating and drinking. Is that not my God given right?... as a citizen?... "citizen". Well it is, so I met with my fine dining partner, Kelly Dooley, for an evening in Harvard Square. Kelly is unofficially becoming my go to gal for dining/drinking adventures. I like going to new places, she likes new places, I like trying new foods, she's fine if it's covered in cheese. It's a match made in... something.
This is Kelly:

After making my purchase and flirting with the young man in line behind us, we headed out to find our place of the week. First, I was going to take her to Shay's Pub and Wine Bar, but a big part of me wanted something new. Next, we stumbled upon a Tapas restaurant, which sounded nice because Tapas is latin for tiny food, and since we're tiny people, what could be more perfect?!... Of course upon looking in the windows we realized that the clientel was middle aged and not in the mood for us. Finally, it hit me like a little red house!
"Kelly! Eleanor was literally JUST talking about this cozy little place next to Charlie's called The Red House! Wanna go?!?!?!" says me.
"OK!" says Kelly.
We walk in to this little red house dating back to 1802 and owned, originally, by a couple of widows... not at the same time. The building sits atop a retaining wall dating back to 1634, so yes, we were actually being patriotic and Americana nostalgic. It's now owned by the same guy that owns Charlie's Kitchen which is right next door. The individual rooms have been redecorated to private dining rooms, adorned with original woodwork and fireplaces. The bar itself has an original fireplace and 5 or 6 dining tables and then the full bar.
Imagine this without the bright light of the flash, and a little roaring fire.
We talked about family, close friends, ideas for the future, and how little we actually know about anything. We've only been around for a couple decades, have only known each other for 3 years (weird) and while both of us have gone through traumatic events in our lives, we still have SO much to do and experience. We both agreed that we'd be satisfied if in 25 years we both were able to support a family, and were happy. aaaaaaaawwwwwwww. Of course after we lived a life for ourselves, because you can't truly give yourself to others until you are content with your own self... which means the occasional self-indulgence. It's true... we're in college... we know things... not really. Anygay, warmed, relaxed, and comforted but a 19th century fireplace we talked for almost 3 hours and I would have stayed for 5, but the T is dumb and the waitstaff wanted to go home.
We decided we want to be regulars at The Red House so that when we arrive the host says, "oh hi Nick and Kelly, table near the fireplace? Cabernet and Stella? You guys look great!"
I also think Kelly is pefect for going out on dining/drinkin excursions because she's a little adventurer and is never a poop, so she's always up for it. Plus she has about 15,000 more stories to tell me about Peabody.
We finally decided to work hard and save our money, so that when we get old, we don't have to kiss anybody's ass.
I heart Kelly Dooley.
... OBAMA!
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