This is Stefanie. Stefanie USED to be my "boss". She left her managerial position, and is now back, but only as a lowly part-timer. Last night I worked a late night shift with her and Derrick, and we were having a very pleasant evening. The 2 shows we had to ticket for were both in the small plaza theatre, so walk-up was rather light. Oooo, we did a wait-list, but only the first pair on the list got in, and both Stefanie and Derrick were scared to announce that everyone else couldn't get squat, so I did it, it was fun! I mean, I felt bad that the people waiting didn't get tickets, but I enjoyed that brief amount of authority and power, because generally, the patrons get to treat us like we're not human.
ANYGAY, the evening was coming to a close when Stefanie mentioned the spacers that had recently been placed in between her teeth, hurt when she ate. That's when everything turned sour. I, with all of my infinite wisdom and intuition, respond by saying, "I think one of the funniest looking things EVER, is an adult wearing braces." Stefanie then laughed, and started to cry. I asked if she was crying from laughter, or was for realzies crying. She was for realzies crying. I made her cry. I took a wildly sensitive topic and just ripped it wide open. I felt like a douche. For some reason, I was unable to put 2 and 2 together to realize that she was going to have braces put on. SO, way to go me, I made a 23 year old woman cry. My former boss, and good friend, actually. I wanted to crawl into a hole.
1 comment:
Ahh, this moment was straight-out-of-the-office awkward and I kinda hate that I kinda loved it??
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