So I am trying to live with Patwicia Mahgwet Bawett, formally known as Patty Barrett, next year. We finally looked at apartments the other day, really liked one, and it was taken that same day, by someone else, who was probably less appreciative of its charm. Just goes to show how cut-throat searching for an apartment can be. Also, since I last looked at apartments, $1600.00 doesn't really get you a lot of options these days. Our realtor only had 2 units to show that were in our price range.
That realtor, however, was rather attractive! Blond, blue-eyed, angular, HARVARD boy. I would say, not really my type, but I don't really have a type yet... I don't think. Patty was such a goon! We walk into the office, and there was Adam The Realtor, and he walks to the back of the office to get keys, I look at Patty, and she has this MASSIVE grin on her widdle face. It was cute, but embarrassing. So I hit her. Hard. In the face.
Anyway, he was attractive, very articulate, I mean hello! HARVARD! You can't be anything but. I think he thought I was at Suffolk for law, because he started talking to me with law jargon and I didn't get it, but I went along with it cuz he was pretty (read pretty with a high pitched squeal). So after we parted ways with my future sugar daddy, I needed a plan on how to ask him out. My plan backfired, and I probably would have chickened out anyway. Plus he was too ambiguous for me to ask him out with extreme confidence. In the end, the apartment we liked was taken, and I didn't get the nerve to ask him out. So it was lose-lose. BUT, it was yet another fun and pleasant adventure for Nick and Patty.
Take Care!
1 comment:
I'm glad you chose that picture. No, really, I'm glad. I don't look like one of the ghosts from The Sixth Sense or anything.
Also, I love blogs about me. More about me. Less you, more me. Alwaysss.
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