I have slipped inside a happy little bubble*. January was, by far, the most difficult month of my life, I'll explain that later, when I can comprehend. February turned one of the biggest frowns of my life, back into a grin... for now. For starters, I discovered a 2 week photojournalism course in the Tuscany region of Italy! I have applied, well Patty physically handed in my application while looking like a woman of the night, and I am waiting to find out if I actually get to go. Maybe I should try this as a list!?
- 2 week photojournalism course in Tuscany
- intensified relationships with 2 new friends of 07-08 academic year
- a new love and appreciation for cupcakes
- stronger appreciation for the people in my life that genuinely love me
- greater understanding regarding the healing power of laughter

Who they?! The gentleman with the straw stuck on his tooth, is Alex. The female, caught in a candid moment of genuine laughter, is Patty. They're both looking to their right, just noticed that.
(read the following sentence to the tune of Amy Crackhouse's "Rehab"):
I tried to take Alex on dates, but he said nooooo nooo no... clever? ok, so, instead of romance blossoming, a friendship that I truly cherish sprouted. Alex is innocent, charming, uninhibited, and hilarious without intention. Also a very good singer, which I found out a few hours ago. I only hope that our relationship will continue to grow, like the bean we all grew when we were 8... right? I always end up in a better mood when I'm with him, and those are the friends I appreciate, so yeah. I actually went to a new cupcake joint with Alex tonight, and the most exciting thing of the bakery was that they sold milk in old timey glass bottles. I bought one, with no intention of bringing the bottle back to receive my $.90 deposit. I will recycle the bottle by using it as a vase for my favorite flower, daisies. Did I mention I was gay? Ok great
Patty, is great. I should call her. Patty is a brilliant comedienne, writer, and overall human, and despite her sometimes intimidating wit, is very shy around people she doesn't know. shocking. Seriously, people love her. Especially this guy (I'm pointing both of my thumbs at myself) There is a very positive chance that we will be sharing an apartment next year, and I cannot tell you the excitement I feel when I think of that. Like the excitement is borderline obscene, sort of like our relationship. Patty and I like to improvise everywhere. Restaurants, walking down the street, in public bathrooms, in bars, and hopefully, in a couple weeks, in Times Square. She gave me one of the kindest compliments, "I just feel like I can tell you anything, and you won't judge me". This melted me a little. She also told me she would still dry hump me if I ever got fat. Patty and I can say pretty much anything to each other without fear of judgment. More with Patty later.
*So in further regards to this bubble. While I'm very happy right now, the bubble is sure to burst at some point. When that happens, I'll deal with it then.
(May I also point out that this blog is in no way an attempt at being pretentious. I hope to polish and hone my writing skills. Maybe delve into some more insightful concepts from inside my mind grapes. But for now, enjoy this fluff of me recapping my days!)
What else happened to me today?...
... I watched a full episode of American Idol for the first time since season 1
No!!! More about Patty NOW!!
I like blogs about me.
hahaha are you referring to the bean we wrapped in paper towels in 5th grade? i used to steal marilyn's bingo beans and grow them. PS: i love daisies too.
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