In my improv world, Seriously Bent kicked ass in the regional finals at Improv Asylum, we went to Chicago, made it to the finals, and then lost... picking up on any themes? This went down first week in November, the break up occured in the first week of December... got goosebumps? I do! Mitch, Patty, and I auditioned for Improv Asylum's NXT cast last night, and we were all called back... so-that's fun!

Another sinking feeling came at the same time of my break up, and that was with the death of yet another high school friend. His name is Dom Mallary, and he was a brilliant artist, and a true friend. The news of his death shocked all of us as just a little over a year ago, Katie unexpectedly passed away. Katie and Dom were in the same class, and Dom spoke at her wake. The loss of Dom was surreal and very painful because I couldn't go home to be with my friends, but I tried to keep in touch with them to talk and comfort and grieve.
This is Dom and Katie...

Seize upon that moment long ago
One breath away and there you will be
So young and carefree
Again you will see
That place in time...so gold
Steal away into that way back when
You thought that all would last forever
But like the weather
Nothing can ever...and be in time
Stay gold
But can it be
When we can see
So vividly
A memory
And yes you say
So must the day
Too, fade away
And leave a ray of sun
So gold
Life is but a twinkling of an eye
Yet filled with sorrow and compassion
Though not imagined
All things that happen
Will age too old
Though gold